
Useful Information

If you are interested in the history of St Mary's Churchyard or any of the people buried here, you'll find lots of useful information on the website of Bath Record Office

It has a dedicated webpage for Old St Mary's and neighbouring St John's providing access to transcriptions of the Memorial Inscriptions for both churchyards and a link to Bath's searchable Burial Index. A wealth of further relevant information is held at the Record Office itself (located in the Guildhall).

When the churchyard was closed to new burials in the 1850s, a new Parish cemetery was opened at Smallcombe Vale where later burials of many residents of Victorian Bathwick are to be found.

The website of the Bristol and Avon Family History has a webpage on the Parish of Bathwick.

Many of our members are recruited via local resident networks, including our local Residents' Association PERA. However, we are delighted to have volunteers from any and every part of Bath!